Peugeot 406

since 1996 release

Repair and operation of the car

Peugeot 406
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engine
   - 3.1. Petrol engines
      3.1.1. Technical data
      3.1.2. Check of pressure of compression
      3.1.3. Installation of the mechanism of gas distribution
      3.1.4. Cover of a head of the block of cylinders
      3.1.5. Pulley of a bent shaft
      3.1.6. Casing of a gear belt
      3.1.7. Gear belt
      3.1.8. Mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and pulleys
      3.1.9. Replacement of a sealing ring of a cam-shaft
      3.1.10. Cam-shaft and pushers
      3.1.11. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves of engines 1.6 liters
      3.1.12. Head of the block of cylinders
      3.1.13. Oil pallet
      3.1.14. Oil pump
      3.1.15. Oil heater
      3.1.16. Replacement of consolidations of a bent shaft
      3.1.17. Flywheel
      3.1.18. Suspension bracket of the power unit
   + 3.2. Diesel engines
   + 3.3. Repair of the engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Power shafts
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 12. Body
+ 13. Electric equipment
+ 14. Main malfunctions

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3.1.2. Check of pressure of compression


Check of a condition of the engine can be made by measurement of pressure of compression in cylinders. If to make this check regularly, then it is possible to learn the beginning of wear of the engine in advance, without waiting for the moment when wear is shown in low overall performance of the engine.

1. Warm up the engine up to the working temperature, at the same time the accumulator has to be completely charged. Unscrew spark plugs.
2. Remove sockets from fuel nozzles of system of injection of fuel.
3. In an opening of a candle of the first cylinder establish компрессометр.
4. The assistant has to press an accelerator pedal against the stop and turn the engine a starter. After a crankshaft provorachivaniye by one or two turns pressure of compression has to increase to a maximum and then be stabilized. Make record of the maximum received result.
5. Similarly check other cylinders.
6. Compression pressure in all cylinders should not differ more than on two units. Pay attention that the size of compression has to increase quickly on the serviceable engine; the low pressure of compression on the first turn of the crankshaft accompanied with gradual increase in pressure on the subsequent turns of the crankshaft indicates wear of piston rings. The low size of pressure on the first turn of the crankshaft which slightly increases further indicates a thinness of a prileganiye of valves, the punched laying of a head of the block of cylinders or existence of a crack in a head of the block of cylinders. Wear of the ends of cores of valves can lead to the low pressure of compression also.
7. Peugeot does not determine the exact pressure of compression, however if compression pressure in cylinders less than 10, then it speaks about wear of the engine.
8. If pressure in one cylinder lowered, then carry out the following test. Fill in through a candle opening in the cylinder of a little engine oil and check compression pressure.
9. If filling of oil in the cylinder increases compression pressure, it specifies that the cylinder or piston rings is worn-out.
10. Low pressure in two next cylinders indicates a laying burn-out between cylinders.
11. If pressure in one cylinder is 20% less, than in the others and the engine idles unstably, it indicates a worn-out cam of a cam-shaft.
12. If pressure of compression is too high, it indicates that the combustion chamber is covered with a thick layer of a deposit.
13. After this check screw in spark plugs and connect to them high-voltage wires.

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