Peugeot 406

since 1996 release

Repair and operation of the car

Peugeot 406
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Power shafts
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 12. Body
- 13. Electric equipment
   13.1. Technical data
   13.2. Detection of not closed chain
   13.3. Safety locks and relay
   13.4. Switches
   13.5. Bulbs of external lighting
   13.6. Lighting lamps of salon
   13.7. Devices of external lighting
   13.8. Adjustment of light of headlights
   13.9. Combination of devices
   13:10. Multipurpose display
   13:11. Lighter
   13:12. Hours
   13:13. Sound signal
   13:14. Screen wiper lever
   13:15. Engine of a screen wiper and draft
   13:16. Back screen wiper
   13:17. Windscreen washer
   13:18. Automobile radio tape recorder
   13:19. Column (dynamics)
   13:20. Antenna
   13:21. Control system cruise control
   13:22. Anticreeping system and immobilizer of the engine
   13:23. Electric units of forward sitting
   13:24. Safety cushion
   13:25. Safety cushion elements
   + 13:26. Electric circuits
+ 14. Main malfunctions

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13:25. Safety cushion elements

Removal and installation

1. Remove the negative plug from the accumulator, wait 2 minutes and remove the central console. Remove the electric socket from the control unit of a security system.
Safety cushion from the driver
2. Unscrew 2 screws of fastening of a safety cushion located from a back part of a steering wheel. For access to screws turn a steering wheel.
3. Establish a steering wheel for the movement directly forward and remove from it a safety cushion. Disconnect the electric socket from a back part of a safety cushion.
4. For installation connect the electric socket to a safety cushion, establish a pillow in the center of a steering wheel and fix by screws, having tightened them the required moment. At the same time first of all screw in the left screw of fastening.
5. Connect the electric socket to the control unit of a safety cushion and install the central console.
6. Check that in interior of the car there is nobody, and connect the accumulator. Through an open door turn a key in the lock of ignition and check action of a security system for fire of a control lamp.
Safety cushion from the passenger
7. Remove the dashboard.
8. Unscrew nuts (are specified by shooters) fastenings of a safety cushion and take it from the dashboard.
9. Install a safety cushion in the dashboard and fix by nuts.
10. Install the dashboard and connect the accumulator.
Control unit of a safety cushion
11. Unscrew nuts (are specified by shooters) fastenings and take the control unit of a safety cushion from the car.
12. Install the safety cushion control unit so that the arrow in the top part of the block showed on a forward part of the car. Fix the block by nuts, having tightened from the required moment.
13. Connect the electric socket to the block and install the central console.
14. Check that in interior of the car there is nobody, and connect the accumulator. Through an open door include ignition and check a security system on inclusion of a control lamp of a safety cushion.
Wire of inclusion of a safety cushion
15. Remove a safety cushion from the driver and remove a steering wheel. Establish forward wheels for the movement directly forward.
16. Unscrew screws of fastening of the lower casing of a steering column and remove its top and lower casings.
17. Switch-off the electric socket of system a cruise control or the autoradio tape recorder switch.
18. Track a wire from contact of a safety cushion down and disconnect the electric socket located on a wire.
19. Unscrew screws (are specified by shooters a photo at the left) and remove contact from the top part of a steering column (a photo on the right).
20. Before installation check that the contact of a safety cushion is come according to tags (are specified by shooters) on the top part of contact and that forward wheels are established for the movement directly forward.
21. Come into contact of a safety cushion, check correctness of an arrangement of an electrical wiring and fix contact by screws.
22. Connect the electric socket of the wire going to contact of a safety cushion.
23. Connect the electric socket of system a cruise control or turning on of the autoradio tape recorder and establish casings on a steering column.
24. Establish a steering wheel and a safety cushion.

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